Friday, 22 March 2013

Spider cake (royal icing spiders)

I guess this cake came to existence because of Bjørn.

Bjørn (which means Bear in Danish) is a little skinny, timid and blond two and a half year boy, who seems to be living in a separate world from the rest of us. In this world he is always someone big and strong and slightly dangerous.

I met this little man in my daughter's nursery not so long ago, and I fell for him immediately, perhaps because he seems to like and understand my tall tails of crocodiles, octopuses and dragons that crawl up the toilet and fly out the window. One of the stories about a spider took on a life of its own, and for the past two weeks Bjørn and some of the other children in the nursery have been bringing me imaginary spiders of all flavours to eat, when ever I come to pick up Caroline.

I thought I'd return the favour and bring them spiders - not so imaginary, but very eatable:

The cake was a lovely gluten-free nuts and chocolate cake covered in royal icing and the little spiders were made from royal icing (run-out technic). I am afraid Bjørn was a little frighted by the spiders and he wouldn't eat them. I don't blame him